Rhode Island Red

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The Rhode Island Red is not only the most well-known race in the United States, but is perhaps the best-known poultry in the world.  Originally developed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the years 1880 and 1890, its predecessors include poultry such as the Malay (hence the deep color), Shanghai, Java and Brown Leghorn.

The creators of Rhode Island Red wanted to create a poultry that could place a good amount of eggs and look good as a table bird. These birds are very good brown egg producers, perhaps the best laying hens of all double purpose races. They Can put 200 to 300 eggs a year from six months of age. Since the Decade of 1940, the Rhode Island Red has been selectively bred for more efficient egg production, becoming smaller, lighter and less melancholy as a result. The Traditional Rhode Island Network are larger, darker and more melancholy. These birds are becoming rare as the breed is “improved” to meet the needs of the industry.

The Rhode Island Network was accepted at the American Poultry Association in 1904. The Rose Comb Variety was accepted in 1906. They Are considered birds of ‘ American class: Large and clean-legged ‘.


The Rhode Island Red hens are very resistant birds and are probably the best egg producers among the double purpose breeds. These American birds were developed by chicken farmers whose main objective was to create a healthy and reliable bird. They Used their own mixed reserves as their resources, resulting in a poultry with an incredibly diverse family tree.

Cornish Game, Malay, Brown Leghorn and Wyandotte are among the few races used in the development of Rhode Island Red, which contributes to their color, resilience and ability to produce dozen after dozen large and brown eggs.

Breed Varieties

The feathers of the bird are rust colored, however they appear in darker shades, including the brown that borders the black. The Rhode Island Red has red to orange eyes, reddish brown beaks and yellow legs and feet, often with a little reddish hue on the toes and sides of the thighs. The chicks are light red to light brown. Roosters usually weigh about 8.7 pounds (3.9 kg), hens have a slightly lower average of 6.5 pounds (2.9 kg).

Temperament of the race

The Rhode Island Red are active, docile and calm birds. Sometimes, Roosters can behave aggressively, to protect the hen. This chicken breed is suitable for both confinement and open-field breeding.

Egg Production

These birds are very good brown egg producers, perhaps the best laying hens of all double purpose breeds. They Can put 200 to 300 eggs a year from six months of age.


The Rhode Island Red (RIR) was originally bred in the city of Little Compton, Rhode Island in the United States in the early NINETEENTH century. One of the parents of the race was a red Malay black breasted rooster that was imported from England, and is exhibited at the Smithsonian Institute as the father of the Rhode Island Red race.

The History of the Rhode Island Network really started in 1854. A boat captain named William Tripp bought a Malaysian rooster from a fellow sailor. He took that bird home and combined it with his own chickens. Tripp noticed that the offspring of that Malay Rooster began to produce a considerable amount of eggs.

It Is Thus, that together with his friend John Macomber began to produce more specimens of this race. At this point, the resulting birds were called ‘ Tripp’s Fowl ‘ or ‘ Macomber ‘ and were known to be superior to existing birds in their locality.

Race Development

Several races were used to improve and develop the desired hen; These breeds included Malay, Java, Chinese Cochin, Light Brahma, Plymouth Rocks and Brown Leghorns.

These birds struck the attention of ISAAC Wilbour, a successful poultry breeder, who bought some of these birds and began to make his own selection program. Despite all the work put in the “race” by Tripp and Macomber, Wilbour is credited with the name Rhode Island Red.

The Rhode Island Network is widely regarded as the most successful dual-purpose race in North America, followed by the Barred Plymouth Rock as second place. Exported to much of the world, the Rhode Island Network may be the most widely distributed chicken race on the planet. The breed is probably the best egg producer among the dual purpose hens and has been widely used for that function, with a range of 200 to 300 eggs per year. He is Not a meat specialist, but his size and shape make him a good table bird.

Race Recognition

The Rhode Island Unique comb Network was admitted to the Standard of Perfection in 1904, and the following year a variety of pink comb was entered.

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